The GreenZone Hero "Veteran-Friendly" Business Directly soft-launched on Monday, February 29th, 2016. A media and social network campaign will be created over the next few months which will culminate in a press release meeting with corporate employees on June 14th, Flag Day. Search Engine Optimization, social media, and sales activities are being conducted to optimize and populate the website for the June 14th event. The directory concept is simple. GreenZone Hero pays homage to American businesses and organizations by giving them a web platform not only to market their businesses to their local communities but to the rest of the Country, too. GZH will grow revenues for their directory members by using direct marketing to veteran populations and to the civilian buying public. Directory members are awarded medals in various categories relating to veteran discounts, veteran employment, and other benefits given to veterans. The directory enlistment process is simple. Members submit their own listings and can pay for it online. Three packages are being offered for a one year renewable membership. Members chose a unique username and password to gain access to their listing page at anytime to make changes. Initially, GreenZone Hero will market directly to the veteran populations and veteran organizations in Southwest and Central Florida with plans to continue throughout the rest of the State by the summer, 2016. Plans are in the works to visit Texas, California, Washington, New York, Colorado, and North Carolina. Our hope is to have a GreenZone Hero BattleStar on the window or door of every business in America showing customers they are a "Veteran-Friendly" business or organization. Every American business should be a GreenZone Hero and rewarded for what they do for our veterans. We can do that by spending our money doing business with them.